

Anger is a common emotion meant to:

01/ Protect us from harm
02/ Help us get our needs met
03/ Prevent us from sinking into despair.

It is normal to experience anger. Sometimes anger is the appropriate response to the behaviour or thoughts of others or ourselves.
Managed correctly, and kept in check, anger is an important ally for a healthy adult.
However anger may arise but not be due to the present situation, but because the present situation reminds us unconsciously of a past experience.
When this happens it can be risky, it can alienate others from us and can be very dangerous.
Anger can become an habitual defence against feeling sadness or fear.

when ANGER becomes a problem

Anger is a powerful emotion that can influence people’s thought patterns and behaviour choices. Anger can contribute to:
01/ Aggression and violence
02/ Hurting People, including one’s self
03/ Social or legal problems
04/ Anger can be a sign of serious psychological diagnoses such as major depression or bipolar.

Drugs and alcohol may help mask anger temporarily, but are also likely to make anger worse at times, as drugs and alcohol reduce self-control and tend to increase impulsivity.

If you have anger problem, you may know it but don't know what to do.
Or you may not know it; the nature of anger may lead an angry person to deny they have an responsibility for the problems to which they contribute. If you find yourself feeling tense and frustrated with yourself and others, if you find yourself unable to enjoy people and life, if you yell often, if you argue with others frequently, if people seem afraid to speak their minds to you or disappoint you, it is possible you have an anger issue.

psychotherapy for ANGER

Anger control is difficult for many people. Emotional outbursts, physical aggression and violence are just some of the results of anger problems. Psychotherapy is a valuable tool for people who need help controlling their anger. With the right help, a person who struggles with anger can learn what lies at the root of their frustration and rage.

They can identify what their anger triggers are and learn healthy ways to avoid or cope with those situations.

Emotional regulation is a key component of effective anger therapy and empowers a client to face uncertain and stressful circumstances with control and emotional balance that benefits their mental and physical health and the well-being of those around them.

If you would like to talk about any of these issues, please make an appointment with Penelope Thompson by phone, text or email.

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Self-esteem is the degree to which we feel confident, consider ourselves valuable, and respect ourselves, and this greatly affects our well-being.

Self-esteem exists on a continuum, from high to low.
Low self-esteem is associated with self-doubt, self-criticism, social isolation, suppressed anger and shame.

Low self-esteem is also a symptom of several mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression.
More on self-esteem

Relationships require work and are bound to face challenges large and small.

Simple, everyday stressors can strain an intimate relationship, and major sources of stress may threaten the stability of the relationship.
As long as each partner is willing to address the issue at hand and participate in developing a solution, most relationship problems are manageable, but when challenges are left unaddressed, tension mounts, poor habits develop, and the health and longevity of the relationship are in jeopardy.
More on Relationship Issues
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